Expressive Activity Operating Procedure 217.03
Series: 200 Administrative Services

交叉引用: 设施使用政策217.01

适用性本操作程序适用于哪个app可以赌足球(“赌钱app可以微信提现”或“学院”)校园社区, 包括所有学生, 人员, 和游客.



“表达性活动”是受美国宪法第一修正案保护的非商业表达, which may include peaceful assembly, 演讲, 抗议活动, 当纠察队, and similar expressive communications and activities. Expressive Activity does not inflict or threaten harm, 扰乱治安, 由好斗的言辞组成, incite individual(s) to commit a crime or cause panic, 是不是淫秽或诽谤, and for the purposes of this Operating Procedure, is not intended to include activity covered by the Soliciting and Promoting on Campus Operating Procedure 217.11.

“Participants” means any member of the campus community, 包括所有学生, 人员, 和游客, who engages in Expressive Activity on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 campus.


Freedom of expression is vital to 赌钱app可以微信提现’s shared goal of pursuit of knowledge. 赌钱app可以微信提现支持校园社区所有成员通过在赌钱app可以微信提现校园内行使第一修正案的言论自由权来探索新思想和相互学习的权利. While the College respects these rights, 赌钱app可以微信提现 encourages individuals to be guided by principles of civil decency. 美国宪法第一修正案不保护威胁健康的行为, 安全:人的安全或福利.

本操作程序不排除其他学院政策或州或地方法律法规的适用. Students or 人员 who engage in disruptive conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, pursuant to applicable College policy and procedures. Disruptive Participants will be referred to local law enforcement and may be removed from campus.  The College will enforce this Operating Procedure in a content and viewpoint neutral manner.

I. 计划表达活动

赌钱app可以微信提现 recognizes that campuses are a marketplace of ideas. 预定的表达活动使学院能够确保参与者的安全并协助组织者, 因此,该活动将以建设性和和平的方式进行,而不会干扰学院的正常运作. This also allows for such activity to be pre-approved to be held at a specific location on campus, which will ensure that the location is reserved specifically for such expressive activity.

提前推广或预计吸引至少10人的表达活动应提前登记, preferably at least 48 hours prior to the requested start of any Expressive Activity, 通过填写表达活动预订表,组织者可以通过该表格申请使用第三节位置中列出的校园区域.  此表格将提交给负责学生生活的主任或指定人员,由其批准并与相应的校园官员协调, 如赌钱app可以微信提现设施调度办公室或警察局,并将允许组织者预订第三部分位置所列的校园区域.  While additional locations on campus may also be available for scheduled Expressive Activity, these may include additional security concerns, 调度冲突, 租赁费用, 或者资源限制.  任何保留均不会因拟举办的表达活动或主办单位的内容或观点而被拒绝, and any denial will include written rationale for the decision.  申诉可以在十(10)天内以书面形式提交给负责学生成功和参与的副校长指定人员.

For events occurring on city sidewalks and streets adjacent to the College, 组织者应作出适当的安排,以获得城市许可,并应遵守城市条例和适用的州和联邦法律.

II. 计划外表达活动

学院致力于保护言论的权利,并使校园适合这些活动.  保护以表达为目的的即兴和自发集会对于履行这一承诺至关重要. 因此, the lack of a reservation is not a basis for terminating such expression, unless the activity is (1) not an Expressive Activity, as defined in this Operating Procedure; (2) conflicts with a previously scheduled event in the same location; or (3) may be reasonably restricted as described herein in Section IV 合理的限制.  否则, unscheduled Expressive Activity may generally occur, subject to 合理的限制 in Section IV, in accessible and open outdoor areas of campus or non-academic, 非管理, 公共设施的开放部分,传统上是为了表达目的而向学生开放的, namely the food court and cafeteria in the Commons and the first floor of the Student Center.

当未安排的表达性活动与先前在同一时间和空间安排的事件发生冲突时, 计划外活动可以重新安排,以便安排活动或为活动做准备. 

另外, 表达活动的发生或校园事件可能会引起持不同观点的个人进行另一种形式的表达活动. If Expressive Activities combine to become disruptive, 学院保留重新安置一项或两项表达活动的权利,或维持一个边界以促进人身安全或以其他方式解决第IV节合理限制中确定的问题.

3. 位置

赌钱app可以微信提现 has determined the following locations to be pre-approved for Expressive Activity.

  • COM广场:位于公共大楼(COM)和学生中心(SC)以南,校园服务大楼(CSB)和焊接大楼以北的户外广场, 建设, 加工技术(WCMT)
  • 喷泉广场:办公教室大楼(OCB)南面、科学楼(SCI)北面的户外广场。
  • Regnier Lawn: the lawn south of the Regnier Center (RC) and north of the Fine Arts & 设计工作室(FADS)
  • Brick Plaza south of the Midwest Trust Center (MTC) and north of the Library (LIB)
  • Green Belt lawn at the Quivira Entrance
  • Green Belt lawn at the corner of College and Quivira

在事件结束时,用于表达活动的任何位置都必须保持其原始状态, and participants are responsible for ensuring that any litter is properly removed and discarded.  任何造成学校财产损坏的参与者将负责支付必要的费用,以将这些财产恢复到原来的状态.  Reasonable cleaning charges may be assessed.

IV. 合理的限制

The College maintains its right to place reasonable restrictions on time, 地点和表达方式,包括合理限制或禁止在赌钱app可以微信提现校园内的某些行为,以保护学院社区成员和学院财产.

A. 破坏性的活动

The College may restrict any acts that (1) disrupt the normal operations of the College, 包括, 但不限于, 教学, 研究, 政府, meetings and/or other authorized and permissible use of College facilities; (2) obstruct the free movement of persons about campus or block access to buildings; (3) infringe on the rights and privileges of others; (4) endanger the safety of any person(s); (5) cause damage to property; or (6) violate local ordinances, 州或联邦法律, 或大学政策.

B. 噪音水平

学院保留控制在校园及其他学院控制的物业内使用扩音设备的权利.  The noise level of Expressive Activity must not disrupt the normal functioning of the College. If the amplification of sound can be heard in surrounding neighborhoods, 组织者必须获得城市陆上公园扩音许可,并遵守城市条例和适用的州和联邦法律.

C. 持续时间

Expressive Activity may be limited to a reasonable period of time, based on the type of event and the resources required to manage it, 包括校园办公时间, and it may be relocated or reasonably restricted, as provided by this Operating Procedure.

Signature on File in Policy Office
